The Senior Impact

From my perspective, seniors have tried to be one of the best examples at this school of what it means to be young adults and to fully mature. They have tried to build their own statue all the underclassmen could look at and try to fit in their image someday.

Some seniors arrive on time coming to school, and some don't care what time they come. With just three weeks left until seniors graduate, some of them are on the brink of not having any motivation to do work. Most people think they are lazy and poor mannered, while some of our underclassmen look beyond just the average gaze of a senior to truly understand how much of a role model they are.

From school it can be a pain to start a high school year because of the new environment and new people you face. But for seniors, they make the environment more approachable for freshman or as Moh, a 9th grader, says: “Seniors impacted me about how high school will be for the next four years and they impact my relationship with this school. Seniors are the reason why I don't hate this school.”

When I was a freshman in high school I would look up to seniors as the people I would want to be like when I get older because they have such a demeanor they carry around. A future seniors, Sameer, says: “I would say seniors impacted me a lot socially, mentally, and emotionally. I would see a lot of the seniors socializing a lot with each other and always having a very positive attitude towards their friends and the community. And that’s something I really am passionate about carrying on into my senior year at Comp Sci High. Some advice I would really use from seniors is definitely about having time management. I know a lot of people talk about managing their time wisely and organizing their schedules when they can. I feel like that’s something we teenagers do struggle with since we have so much going on in our own personal lives. It’s challenging to balance out your personal and academic life but I feel like when you write down a list of what you have to get done it’s much easier to organize your day and balance out your personal and academic life.” In high school it’s easier to know what time your classes end, but in college you select your own classes. This comes with a cost, which is being able to balance when and where you do work. You better find a way to make this balance beneficial.

When it comes to needing emotional support at school, Esme from 10th grade says: “I started to understand people's relationships and how it's ok to let something go even if I don't want to go. Everything in this lifetime is temporary, so don't expect perfection or permanent things.” One of the big steps from being a freshman to a senior has to do with letting go of a lot of things and focusing on the things that matter. Ricardo, a freshman who just stepped foot into the school believes: “I have bettered myself by being patient and learning that my time will come when I'm a senior. I was a person that cared what people thought about me and they taught me that not caring is what's going to get me through high school.” You have to focus on graduating to the point where sometimes you give up what you love the most.

In high school, seniors giving advice is something that happens more often than not in Comp Sci High. Now, the seniors are leaving and it is bittersweet. Some students have some parting words for them.

Ricardo Torres says: “One thing I have to say to all the graduating seniors is good luck in the real world and take it day by day. You’re fully grown now and you are making your difficult choices now. You don't have no one to hold your hand and make them for you so be patient and set goals for yourself.”

It’s up to the seniors to know where they stand with college and only few will succeed. That's the thing for seniors in college; some of them don’t put in the work.  Jazlynn says: “I think one thing I would say to the seniors before they graduate is to make good decisions in whatever path they go in and to have a good college life if they plan on going to college. I would also tell them to take care of themselves and to not always listen to what other people think or say about them, to have confidence in themselves and their skills. Also by working hard they can achieve what they want in life.”

From my perspective, seniors have tried to be one of the best examples at this school of what it means to be young adults and to fully mature. They have tried to build their own statue all the underclassmen could look at and try to fit in their image someday.


A Guide for High School


Senior Year Chronicles