Your Back Against the Wall

“Have you ever felt like your back was against the wall? It's okay, 2025 is a turning point.”

As a part of life all humans and living organisms go through their good times and bad times. But is it normal to always feel like your back is against the wall?

Being human we make a lot of mistakes. We take in a lot and forget to breathe, we focus so much on the negative and forget the positive. The human mind is always racing. This is the reason why the older folks always said and will forever say “stay young as long as you can because life only gets harder.” 

In life many doors open and close, it's all for a reason. Sometimes we have to see the lesson that we need to learn. With that being said, some doors open to teach you the lesson. Many people come into and out of your life during the lesson because you are learning through these people. When the lesson is finally learned, that's when the door closes for you to unlock what you really needed in life.

But even though the door may be closed and you have unlocked that new thing you needed, the pain, the struggles and the hurt are still there. It's hard to let these things go because as humans we have attachment issues because sometimes we are okay with staying content in the place that we are in. And sometimes we can’t get out of the place we are in. But with either situation we cause ourselves pain. Pain to stay in the place we are in, pain to keep others happy. And what this does to us is wear us down. 

You have to learn to find what's best for you. Keep people around that lift you up and make you happy. Don’t worry about what's happening behind you because you are losing focus on what is in front of you. What is in front of you will always be better than what's behind you.  Don’t worry about the people that may not see your vision because you see your own vision. You know what you have planned and what you want to do. Don’t worry about the lack of support. Support yourself, help yourself, motivate yourself  because the very sad truth of the world is you only have yourself. You must grind to get to your goals. Nothing will come to you by doing nothing, people like to see effort, how much you invest in yourself and what you want to do. 

The realization that we have to come to is that some people aren’t always the listening ear that we so desire or need. That’s when we have to find an alternate solution which could be to journal. And trust me on this, I am not good at journaling, but what really inspired me to journal was art. I was sitting in art class and Ms. Medina said we are going to do something different. Her instructions were to go on google docs and write about anything we feel that was a burden on us or an experience we had that was a burden. When I did that assignment it made me feel a little better because I was able to say how I felt without judgement. No one could judge me based on how I felt because nobody was able to read it. There was no taking sides of how I felt because nobody knew any of the sides to the story. Instead of sitting and sulking in our own pity we need to learn to pick ourselves up and do right by ourselves.

I interviewed a few people and asked them some questions. Some of the questions that I asked were how does it make you feel when you think the world is crashing down on you. And how do you plan to make your new year’s resolutions come to life even though you know there’s going to be times where you must cope. 

I interviewed my first person and she stated that when the world feels like it’s falling down around me. She sometimes feels like she loses herself  and my waves of life. She doesn't know what or how to do or how to cope with it and she feels she ends up feeling like a failure. I asked her the question. She took a moment to pause and think. She goes to say that she doesn’t really cope well. But she further explains that she will maybe learn to find someone that she can open up to because she notices that when she doesn’t,she dwells on what sits rent free in her head. 

To get diversity on a male and female perspective I asked a male to see how they would respond differently to the questions. When I asked my male interviewee the first question he stated that he feels he tries to just make it seem like nothing is wrong because he doesn’t want the attention. He feels that he doesn’t want to explain what’s really traveling through his brain. He doesn’t want to be judged or make his situation worse than what it is. We moved onto the next question. He first stated that he hopes to find someone that he will confide in. He wanted to be more open about his feelings. He tells me that he feels bottling up situations lead to mental health issues. 

In addition to diversity I wanted to ask someone older than a high school student so I asked my aunt. When asking her the first question she said she has been through so much and life is just like a journey where you learn more and more about yourself daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. She stated that what she does when she feels the world is crashing down on her is normally take a moment to see what is really the issue. If she has multiple problems she will try to do the snowball method where she tries to knock out the smallest issue and the largest issue. She said this method really works for her. But she added that when the world does feel like it is she tries to ask for advice depending on the situation and tries to be smart on who she seeks advice from. She moved on to the second question and stated that she has lots of new year’s resolutions but she plans to do the snowball method because she feels that it works best for her. She plans to hopefully achieve most of her goals and if not all from smallest to biggest.

But in interviewing and talking with a different variety of people, I noticed something that people have in common, which is that everyone wants better for themselves and tries to be better. I noticed that many people go through trials and tribulation; it isn’t just you alone. We have to realize that even though we may seem alone in a situation that we go through, there’s other people that go through the same things, and it’s okay. We must learn to accept circumstances for what they are and push through this year 2025. I hope that the goals of 2025 are met with true authenticity.


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